Friday, 26 July 2013

From Tennant Creek to Mataranka

It was another long day of driving for us, about 560kms! The kids are doing really well, so pleased we got the ipods & thanks Em for all the movies & shows!

We had a good stop at Daly Waters. Great Pub! Trent brought himself a whip & showed the kids what he could do! 

So after our visit there we were back on the highway. We made it into Mataranka pretty late in the afternoon, got some fuel & made our way to the Territory Manor caravan park. As soon as we got out of the car we could really feel the difference in temperature - much warmer & putting a smile on everyone's face! We decided just to unpack & let the kids have a play. Cooked dinner & had a reasonably early night. 

Today we first went and saw some barramundi being fed at the place we were staying. Pheobe even had a go at feeding them.

        Pheobe thought this was great!

After this we left the caravan park & headed for the Bitter Springs, only a 5min drive down the road from where we were staying! This is what we found:

Bloody beautiful! Magic! Just like a warm bath! About 34degrees & if you don't mind a few rocks & logs (you can't touch the bottom, too deep!), then swimming here is awsome! We stayed for about an hour or so before making our way back to the van for a snack & then we drove out to the Mataranka Thermal Pool. This one is located at a homestead/ resort/ camping area. They have actually dug out all the rocks & logs at this one & put seating almost all the way around the edge. Also very beautiful & warm. Kids thought this one was better but Trent & I liked the first one. 

We took a walk out to the river just for a quick look too! Apparently just after wet season the search this place for crocs before letting anyone in to swim. There are fresh water crocs that come & go but are harmless! We didn't see any salt or fresh today!

After this we had some lunch at the homestead & went & had a look at the replica house that was built for the movie 'We of the Never Never'. Its a movie based on a book that was written by the lady who owns the station out there (along with her husband of course!). The movie was running when we were having lunch but we didn't have time to stay & watch it all, but will more than likely get the book & the movie one day. 

Next stop on the way out of town was the giant Termite Mound! Its man made but you should see all the ones that are up here along the highway! There are even some funny people who have stopped & dressed a few up! Its too hard to stop & get pics of these when we are pulling the van along but we did get a pic of the big one!

And finally we were on the road again to Katherine. And that is where I will leave this post. Off on a cruise at the Nitmiluka (Katherine) Gorge tomorrow, looking forward to it! 
Hope everyone is well? xo

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