Wednesday, 19 June 2013

1 & 1/2 Weeks to go!

Hi everyone!

Have managed to find some time today to start preparing for our Blog for this years trip, The Guye Gang's trip to the NT and WA! We can't wait and are so excited to be able to share this journey with you. Of course we have had the travel bug since QLD in 2011 & have really been planning this one the day we arrived home from that.
The Land cruiser is currently in being fitted with a few extras that we didn't have for the last trip, so once its complete I'll post a couple of pics!
Anyway, we also wanted to say a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone that has helped us out the past couple of years, all the planning, saving the money has meant that we are able to take this trip and we are sure, have an amazing time with memories that will last a life time!

Catch you soon. x